Key WBCSD takeaways from the UN General Assembly Week 2019

发表: 10月4日2019
作者: WBCSD通信
类型: 洞察力

日内瓦, 4 October 2019 – Last week leaders from a broad range of sectors and geographies gat在这里d in New York around the opening of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA).

The week is not only an integral part of the UN calendar, bringing together world leaders to kick off debate and discussion around key global issues, but has also come to represent an important landmark for wider stakeholder groups, 包括业务, to convene and advance solutions to some of the world's most pressing sustainability challenges.

The landmark events this year were the 气候行动 Summit, the Sustainable 发展 Goals (SDGs) Summit, and the High-Level Dialogue on Financing for 发展 - accompanied as every year by a myriad of public and private events, most notably with food- and nature-related topics rising high in the agenda.

From a business perspective, the UNGA continues to consolidate its position as an essential opportunity for business leaders to engage in valuable dialogues across a wide spectrum of issues that sit at the heart of the SDGs and to explore innovative new collaborations and partnerships.

We were pleased to see over 50 WBCSD member companies represented at top executive level in New York. Together with our member companies, WBCSD played an active role across a variety of important dialogues during this year's General Assembly. The Council and its members were prominently positioned across the week to advocate the business voice across a wide range of topics: 气候 & 能源、食品 & 自然, SDGs advocacy, 循环经济, 正规博彩十大网站 and the Future of Work.

Please access our key takeaways 在这里, including an overview of the key announcements and outputs from WBCSD's side.

不要犹豫 正规博彩十大网站 if you have any questions or comments.

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